Chiva at Chikamuga restored with adding missing parts

 Chiva Chaitya Organization continues to restore Chivas. Here one more Chiva, where parts were missing and Gaju also missing, restored.

One of the Chiva at Chinakamuga-Kami Nani in Kathmandu, one layer of the Chiva- base of the dome was damaged and also Gaju was missing, has been restored.

With the community, intervention needed was decided, necessary parts were made, and restoration was carried out.

Puja before restoration

Hello, is the level OK?

Restoration works

After restoration

Special thanks to Aneshdai, Umesh dai and Pradeep dai there.

Please, help Chiva Chaitya Organization to continue to carry out in restoration works of our heritage. You can help with coordination works or informing about Chiva requiring restoration or also via monetary help.

We can because of your support.

Chiva Serial Number: P1257

Total Gaju restored till now since counting: 8

Previous Gaju installation includes: BhindyoTwa-1, LakhaTirtha-2,Chaga-1, Jhochhen-1, Chikamuga-1, Makhan-1


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