Heritage Research Program for Students - Research on Chiva - 1144: Orientation

Chiva Chaitya Program Conducts Orientation Program for Students

Our heritage belongs to everybody and are the asset of the country. Making this understand to the youths are the key for the survival of the heritage.

With this vision Chiva Chaitya Organization organized awareness program fore students where students will have to do research on the Chivas of their locality. The students will have to provide their report which will be evaluated by a judge.

The program is named as 'Heritage Research Program for Students - Research on Chiva - 1144'.

We would like to thank Basanta Maharjan Sir and Yadav Lal Kayastha Sir for giving orientation and explaining them about the importance of heritage. We would also like to than KanyaMandir school for providing the hall for the program. We would like to show our gratitude to Hanumandhoka Ksetra Samrakshyan Karyakram for supporting this program.


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